
About JAS College

JAS College

Jas college is one of the best Educational institution located in Chinnavedampatty, Coimbatore. The College has established itself as a high quality education provider with prime focus on holistic learning and imbibing competitive abilities in students. Jas College promises to become one of the best college with an acknowledged reputation for excellence in teaching. With its outstanding faculty, first class teaching standards, and innovative academic programmes, jas college intends to set a new benchmark in the teaching professionals.

Our Vision

Our Vision

The college envisages, strives to constitute and proliferate knowledge is power. The vision of the college is represented in its emblem. The college endeavours to produce a flawless pedagogical community through mutual love, respect, with egalitarian attitude, catering to the educational needs of all.

Our Mission

Our Mission

The mission is to create a flawless pedagogical community by imparting a sound education and educational teaching practice, inculcating in the students, sense of social service, democratic outlook as well as honing their dexterity to develop as resourceful and enterprising citizens who would contribute their best to national culture and civilization.

Our Goals & Objectives

Academic upliftment of students by eradicating illiteracy.
To offer Teacher Education programmes of contemporary relevance.
To produce quality based pedagogy.
To impart knowledge, skill,social and moral values.
To strive for sustainable community socio development through extension activities.




Our Courses


Our Teachers

